How c2 is enabling a viable business case
How c2 is enabling a viable business case
The c2 IoT development platform helps businesses avoid common pitfalls
Making sure your business case is achievable when starting any IoT project can be challenging. Most IoT projects fail because the business case does not hold true. Typically, this is due to a number of reasons such as unknown development costs, lack-of stakeholder buy-in, too many assumptions of the marketplace, or not provisioning for design changes and scale-up.
The c2 platform is addressing these challenges by providing businesses with a configurable and robust platform from which IoT systems can be quickly developed. c2 is built with scale in mind, upon modular technologies that can smooth the development journey and ensure designs are ready for manufacture. This means companies have more time to nurture their business case and focus on delivering unique IoT use cases successfully to market.
Building valuable technology creates successful business cases
Statistics from Cisco’s IoT deployment survey, state that 60% of IoT initiatives stall at the PoC stage. There are many reasons for this including, lack of IoT expertise, spiraling development costs, or incorrect technologies are chosen in the beginning.
With over 350 projects completed, the creators of c2 know how to get your product from idea to scale. Instead of just proving the concept, we create a proof of value (PoV) that not only demonstrates technical feasibility but also helps businesses understand the scalability and marketability of the product they are creating. Identifying the value early on in the development process is extremely valuable as this helps to approve the business case before moving to scale-up.